Thursday, February 22, 2007

Mark Thoma says it better

Mark Thoma, author of EconomistView, recently wrote a piece on Barney Frank and the Fed's dual mandate. I wrote about the same topic a few weeks ago, but Dr. Thoma says it better, and carries a hell of a lot more economist cred than I ever could.

Dr. Thoma is not some right-wing type bashing Barney Frank just because he has a "D" after his name. I think regular readers of Dr. Thoma's fine blog, like myself, can make the safe inference that the author did not vote for W. As I tried to say before, and as EconomistView has said much better, the world of economics has moved beyond the views that Rep. Frank is expressing. I wish he'd catch up.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Barney Frank is clueless

  3. i am quite sure it had not escaped your attention that Barney is a POLITICIAN. And POLITICIANS make political statements. End of story


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