Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Accrued Interest is Back - with Roundups

I'm bringing back the Accrued Interest blog this coming Friday, when we'll start a weekly feature of the best articles/discussions from the bond market, mortgage world, and financial industry.

With a strong readership built over the years, this can be a weekly jumping off point for thoughtful discussion of developments in these markets. (Pending Financial Regulatory overhaul anyone?)

If you have any tips for articles to feature, send them my way at accruedint on Gmail.

See you Friday!


  1. WOOT. There's a reason I kept this and Across The Curve on my feed reader.


  2. YAY! We missed you Accrued.

  3. Very excited about this. Thank you.

  4. Al,
    Good to have you back! I will move Accrued Interest back into the active blogs linked on A/O. Looking forward to your take on all the craziness in Europe and elsewhere.

  5. Is this the sign of the "end times"?

  6. You made my day! Welcome back! Now, if only we can get you AND Jansen back blogging, even if occasionally, my year will be set :)

  7. IT's about time! Return of the AI blog
    Welcome back to the Cantina

  8. thought i sensed a great disturbance in the Force.

    Cap'n Credit

  9. Glad to see you back AI. And really glad I kept you on my readers. Welcome back.

  10. glad your back, your market commentary was dearly missed.

  11. Really appreciate you. Hoping to see more interesting posts.

  12. Great to have you back! Just in time for the next crisis!

  13. the force obeys your commands, but it also flows through you. no wonder you came back. i missed you too and i only came around once in a blue Death Star.

    the crisis is certainly heating up again, it's good to have you back!

  14. Which Friday are we talking about?

  15. It's the Friday of a long, long time ago & in a blog far far away?

  16. I like your all post.Really appreciate you way thoughts. Hope to see more interesting posts.


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