Thursday, November 27, 2008

Accrued Interest Holiday Edition

Its time for a new tagline for the blog. So in proper geek fashion, I've created a poll. The options are...

Republic credits? Credits are no good out here. I need something more real.

More wealth than you can imagine

That was before the dark times... before deleveraging

Or suggest something else in the comments.


Credit Cruncher said...

I suspect you are going for a Star Wars reference here and I haven't got those movies memorized, sadly, but I googled Hans Solo quotes and think this one could be adapted:

“Had a slight credit malfunction, but everything's perfectly alright now. We're fine, we're all fine, here, now, thank you. How are you?”

Pete-0 said...

I like the modified (hey, everyone's mod-ing these days, right?) Hans Solo quote...

Accrued Interest said...

Wow... love it.

Anonymous said...

These are not the rates you are looking for.

Benjamin Brown said...

How bout, "when banks compete, you lose"

PNL4LYFE said...

I would like to hear Jim Bunning (or one of his ilk) say to Bernanke: "I don't know where you get your delusions laser brain".

chris said...

Stay on target... Stay on target...

chris said...

This one's better actually:
Who's the more foolish: The fool, or the fool who follows...?

willweitzman said...

"IT'S A TARP!!!" courtesy of admiral Ackbar... sort of