Its the end of an era for bond investors as General Electric finally loses its AAA rating with S&P. Moody's will follow suit in a matter of days, I'd expect.
I have little to say other than to claim GE is currently a "AA" risk is just as crazy as to say they are "AAA" for all the reasons I've discussed before.
Anyway, I thought I'd dispell a myth. I keep hearing claims that GE isn't "trading like a AAA."
First of all, GE is the AAA corporate bond market. So I don't know what "trading like a AAA" means if it doesn't mean GE. Below is a pie chart of all bonds in the Merrill Lynch AAA corporate bond index.
Even given that, GE never did trade like a AAA, if you define it as trading better than a AA. Look at the chart below. GE has traded above AA-rated industrials for years.

Just more proof that the media doesn't know what they are talking about.
1 comment:
When you own 80% of market share you definetely trade like an AAA. It doesn't matters what a rating agency says.
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