Monday, May 17, 2010

Seeking Contributors

OK, so when I said "this coming Friday," I actually meant "a couple Mondays from now." Instead of a roundup, though, I wanted to start with something a little different: A request for help.

The days of going it alone are over. While the mission and scope of AI isn’t changing, it’s time to add some new voices. The goal is to find a few people who would be willing to contribute ongoing pieces to keep the site afloat.

This is one of the strongest and smartest readership bases in the finance world. It’s also a great platform for weekly or even on-the-spot commentary and insight. If you’re interested in contributing, send an email to accruedint at


John (Ad Orientem) said...

Just an FYI... you have some SPAM comments on your previous post. You may want to delete them. Glad to see you up and posting again.

Nick Gogerty said...

Welcome back. Looking forward to the posts.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to more posts.

Any chance we can get a chart showing, for a single bond, a GNMA trading price versus remaining face value?

There's no decent info on what to expect when you buy a GNMA bond over the life of the bond and especially what to expect if you need to sell it early.

bayan escort said...


mSquare said...

Glad to have this blog back. I used to be a reader of it earlier I learnt quite some by just reading...

Radu Prisacaru said...

A round of applause for your article post. Thanks Again. Keep writing.