Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Clumsy and Random Thoughts

Just as Geithner is about to speak...

  • They want to call the Bad Bank an "Aggregator" bank. Does that mean we can call it "Aggie Mae?" I think back to Rod Stewart... "Oh Aggie I wish I'd never seen your face..."
  • The TALF remains an under-rated part of the effort to jump-start consumer lending. The Fed will have a conference call on the TALF on Thursday 2/12 at 3PM. The number is 1-866-216-6835, Access Code 296081


PNL4LYFE said...

Clumsy and Random Thoughts could very well have been the title of Geithner's speech...

So what we learned today is

1) They're going to rename some of the alphabet soup.

2) There is a new website.

I think he would have been better off not saying anything.

Alex Morrow said...

I am the eternal optimist and I agree. They should not have said anything unless they could put flesh on the bone. It's obvious they'll do whatever it takes. If you believe the US is going down you shouldn't be buying anything. Otherwise, what's the point of hyping thepresentation of a plan that doesn't exist.

Ettaroo said...

any news yet from this conference call?

Accrued Interest said...

Ugh... it had about as much "news" as Geithner's speech. Another delay in the launch of the program.